Please contact us if you have any questions about the options below

Give Now

Online Donations

Use our online donation form as a secure and convenient way to support Generation Life

Credit Card Donations
Please use our secure online form or call (215) 885-8760. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

Mail Donations
Make your personal or business check or money order payable to Generation Life, and mail it to:

Generation Life

Pledges (extending from a few months to several years) can be made in writing and mailed to:

Generation Life

Please print clearly and in full your name, mailing address, and telephone number. State the full amount of the pledge, your payment schedule, and the amount and date of each pledge payment. 

The Advancement Office will send you a pledge reminder if you request it.

Memorial Gifts
If you wish to honor the memory of a family member or friend by contribution to Generation Life, please write us at the above address and include the name of the individual you are honoring. Please state the designation of the gift if you wish. We will contact the family to let them know a donation has been made.

Estate Gifts / Bequests
If you would like to include Hillsdale College in your estate, please include the following information in your will and/or trust along with your desired designation: Generation Life Tax ID:20-2088693


Matching Gifts

If you work for or are retired from a company with a matching gift program, your gift may be eligible for a match.

Year-End Giving

Contributions are deductible in the year they are made, so be sure to make your gift by December 31.

Mailed checks must be post-marked on or before December 31.

Credit Card gifts must be charged before midnight on December 31.  If you mail in a credit card contribution, be sure to send it well in advance of December 31.


Generation Life